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Garage Door

Garage Door Springs

Garage Door Spring Overview

  • Garage door springs are what lifts your door up. As your door comes down, the springs twist and store energy. When a spring is intact and balanced correctly, the door is easy to lift up. When the spring is broken, the door is really heavy and difficult to lift, trapping you and/or your car in the garage.
  • Torsion Spring (pictured in the header) is in 90% of houses and virtually all new construction. Located above the garage door, mounted on a horizontal metal shaft, operates by twisting and storing energy when the door is closed, and release the stored energy to assist in lifting the door when it opens
  • Extension Springs. Located on both sides of the door, parallel to the horizontal tracks, stretch and store energy when the door is closed and contract and use the stored energy to help lift the door when it opens.
Garage Door Spring

Risks To Not Getting Fixed Right Away

Trying to open a door even once with a broken spring can buckle the top panel (see image on right) or seize up your garage motor, turning a $400 job into a $2000+ job. Telltale signs are your door only goes up about 6 inches and falls back down, or you head a really loud noise overnight. Look above the middle of your door for the spring. You should be able to see the cracked spring (photo in the header) but sometimes you can't because the spring is encased in a plastic tube called Torquemaster. This is tricky, and often results in permanent damage to the opener and the door. Call us if you have ay questions

Broken Spring Example

Expert Garage Spring Replacement

We are able to fix your springs same day, any day of the week. Our technicians have at least 10 years experience and have seen it all. There isn't a universal spring. They come in different lengths and thickness becuase the strength of the spring must be calculated to the weight of the door. We take the time to do the necesssary calculation. At the end of the day, you want the door to be properly balanced, which means it is easy to lift, staying up without falling down, and comes down without slamming.

Expert Spring Repair

Torsion vs Extension

  • Torsion system is the superior system. It is smoother because extension springs work independently while the torsion spring is a single unit. Extension springs are dangerous when the snap, especially if safety cables haven't been installed to minimize damage when it fails.
  • Should I replace extension springs when they break? Yes if it is possible. It's a bit more expensive but torsion springs work better and are safer.
  • Can you always replace an extension spring with a torsion spring? Sometimes you can't. Older homes especially have low headroom that don't allow enough space for a torsion system.
Extension Spring Setup