Broken Commercial Springs
Commercial Springs have a longer life than residential springs, but they will eventually fail. We are experts in figuring out the correct springs needed.
No Way Unless You Weight It. It isn't as simple as replacing the broken spring with a new one of the exact same size. Doors usually have weight added to them over time. Most often reinforcement struts. To know for sure, you take the tension off, weigh it, and calculate springs needed by also taking into account the door's height, width, drums and track radius.
We perform a complete audit of the door and the torsion system. This means inspecting bearing plates, cables, hinges and the torsion shaft.
On about half of the commercial doors we look at, we find some residential parts being used. This is dangerous as commercial garage doors are heavier and under more stress.
We source all of our commercial springs from CHI, the most reliable and high quality supplier in the market.